Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Been to long...

I almost forgot I was doing this blog. I figured I should put an update up just in case someone is actually reading this (but I doubt it). Things have been going great. Had a doctors appointment yesterday, and it went really smoothly, blood pressure was down in a good zone and I found out my home scale actually weighs me 4 lbs heavier than I actually am. So as of today I have lost around 65lbs. I know I should be really excited about this but some days I really don't feel like I've lost that much. Even when people tell me that I look like I've lost a bunch of weight but, I don't see it in myself. Maybe when I lose another 30 or so lbs I'll be able to see it.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bad Day II: The Reckoning

Still sick, feeling a little bit better though. Maybe tomorrow I can get back on track. I really wanted to grt out and walk today, but knew if I did it wouldn't end well.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Bad Day

Kind of dissappointed in myself for not working out today. I guess that I have an excuse in that I was really sick. Hopefully I will feel good enough tomorrow to get out.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Is it cold in here?

Is this a thing now? Someone clearly needs a bra, or some sand paper.


Just woke up at 2:30am in mid panic attack. Took some meds and trying to calm down. I'm so tired.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Changing of the Guard

          So I figured I needed to start over on my blog. Never updated it, almost forgot that I had it. I decided that this might help me stay accountable with my new lifestyle changes. (Not what you're thinking lol) I've come to the realization that I don't like where I am right now. I'm tired of being the big guy. I'm tired of not being to find clothes that fit, and I'm tired of having all the health problems. So, I am changing the way I see life. I know its cliche, but the phrase, 'Eat to live, not live to eat,' comes to mind. Right now I am using a calorie counter on my phone and trying to stay under 1200 calories a day. Giving up pop was alot easier than I had expected, I havent had any in almost a month and a half. I am also working out more, starting off with walking and going from there.
          Progress is definitely helping me keep on the right track. Since May 6th I have lost a total of 23 lbs. That has definitely helped me keep positive with the situation. Somedays I feel horrible and have no motivation, but I have to make myself do it anyways.